Overalls are BACK!

Overalls are BACK! #fashion #overalls

I am so excited short overalls are back in style. In high school two of my best friends took my favorite pair of overalls and hid them from me. To this day, I still do not know where they are, and their memory is sacred to me. I’ve been waiting for them to come back…

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The Toddy – Iced Coffee Like A Pro

The Toddy Cold Brew #Coffee Maker #review

I recently celebrated a birthday, and the one gift my husband got me that wasn’t in the form of a surprise dinner and a day shopping with one of my best friends, was perfect: The Toddy Cold Brew Coffee Maker. I’m sort of an iced coffee addict. I limit myself to one a day, but…

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Busy Moms of Faith Daily Devotionals – Book 1

Busy Moms of Faith Daily Devotions are written by me, Lara Velez, Moms of Faith founder. I am a busy homeschooling mom, author, blogger, web designer and business owner. I am no stranger to busy, and unfortunately, I frequently camp out there! Sadly, we busy moms tend to sacrifice time with our King on the…

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