You are Significant: Temple

I hope that you are starting to see just how significant you are! I know I am! However, in all honestly it is still hard to completely accept just how much we really do matter when life is messy. NO worries though, we are going to press through and believe what GOD says, rather than this world, the devil, trials, or what our own minds say! This lesson is… You are Significant: Temple

If you have missed any of our previous lessons, please see below for what we have studied so far…

You are Significant:


Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? – 1 Corinthians 3:16 (ESV)

We are God’s temple! He LIVES IN US! That is an amazing fact that we need to grasp. The creator of the Universe abides IN us. We are His. He wants to use us in a great way for His purpose!

A building is not God’s temple.

You are.

I am.

WE are His temple.

We are where He CHOSE to dwell.

We are who He chose to fulfill His plans on this earth.

We are who He chose to be in relationship with Him.

We are who He chose to send His one and only Son to die for.

We are His Temple.

We matter.

He loves us.

He dwells IN US.

He created us to Be His Temple.

We need to take this seriously. We want to keep His temple clean and holy–spiritually, physically, relationally, and in all ways! We want to make sure that we are using His temple to bring glory to our King’s Holy Name!

I mean, we cannot be perfect. However, when we grasp the significance of being GOD’s temple. When we do, it will give us the encouragement we need to press on, give up bad habits, and seek His will for our lives more!

You are VERY significant!

You are God’s Temple!

That reality should get you very excited! Don’t let the trials of life make you forget that the King of Kings and Lord or Lords abides IN YOU!

Pin it for later!

You are Significant: Temple

Next lesson: You are Significant… Loved


  1. Rare on July 21, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    Beautiful. Timely read. After a long day at work with my toddlers playing noisily in their bedroom, waiting for me to come tuck them in, this was soothing…

    • Samra on October 26, 2016 at 11:24 pm

      This verse completely change the way I see myself or taking care of my body. Thanks for sharing

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