How Can a Busy Mom “Pray Without Ceasing?”

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – Ephesians 5: 16-18

God wants us to never stop praying – that part is easy to understand. But many women aren’t exactly sure what that looks like.

I remember hearing the term ‘keep an attitude of prayer” and wondering what in the world that meant.

It was during a study I did on prayer that I finally understood. God wants us to be mindful of Him, conscience that He’s there. He wants us to talk with Him all day long. Not just about our problems, although He is there to help. He wants us to share our joys and gratitude, and to intercede for others.

He is with us at all times; we just have to acknowledge Him there.

For example, my husband and I recently purchased a new vehicle. For that first month after we drove it home, each time I climbed into that truck, I told God how awesome it was to drive a new vehicle, how much I loved seeing my husband’s happiness, how thankful I was that He provided  affordable financing.

I’ve started telling God “Good morning” when I wake up. During a recent trip to the east coast, I talked to God many times about how cool it was to visit historical places on my bucket list and how thankful I was that I had the ability to go. I’m learning to thank God for sunrises on my drive to work. To express my gratitude for kitchen appliances when I use them. To share my appreciation for the little personality quirks in my family and pets.

How Can A Busy Mom "Pray Without Ceasing?"

As a busy mom, it can be tough to focus on our Creator in the midst of life.

But if we think about it, we really have plenty of opportunities during the day to say something to Him.

How many times are our hands busy but our heads are full of random thoughts? We can use those moments to converse with the Almighty!

Instead of turning on the radio or TV, try these ideas:

  • Cleaning the house. Pray or sing worships songs as fold laundry or load the dishwasher.
  • Prepping for the day. Talk with Him when you’re getting dressed, brushing your hair, putting on make-up.
  • Getting ready for bed. Discuss your day with Him as you wash your face and brush your teeth.
  • Driving in the car. There is plenty of time to talk when picking up/dropping off kids, or driving to/from work.
  • Waiting for something. Pray silently when you’re at the doctor’s office, a sporting event, the hair salon, etc.
  • Walking somewhere. On the way to the office, talk with God as you walk the stairs or long hallways, or when riding elevators.

Do you have any tips on how to pray without ceasing?



  1. Wonuola on August 7, 2015 at 3:21 pm

    Your article is very apt. Often times we think that praying to God without ceasing requires you going in your knees to pray for hours. It’s the little things that we do that makes the relationship even more precious. Another thing I do is speak to God about my outfit for the day and days when I ask I get it right and days I don’t I change about 4tines before settling. Saying thank you to him comes almost spontaneously now. Thank you for confirming that I am not weird when smiling and whispering under my breath when I walk out of a meeting etc..

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