Does You Child Have Too Much Freedom?

Does You Child Have Too Much Freedom?

She threw a fit because the eggs were scrambled in a skillet rather than a baking tin. That’s when my friend realized she had given her daughter too much freedom. This second grader had gone years deciding her own breakfast, and had reached the point where she wanted to dictate each step in the cooking…

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When Your Child Hurts Your Feelings

She wasn’t trying to be rude. She was just stating an opinion. But it still hurt. I made a chicken casserole for dinner, a recipe I got from my sister, who had cooked it for my family a couple times. Since my kids loved it, I decided to make it at home. I don’t recall what I did…

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You are Significant: Temple

You are Significant: Temple

I hope that you are starting to see just how significant you are! I know I am! However, in all honestly it is still hard to completely accept just how much we really do matter when life is messy. NO worries though, we are going to press through and believe what GOD says, rather than…

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