The Flesh is a Liar

I’ve been thinking about my spiritual journey lately. My walk with God hasn’t always been easy and to be quite honest I still fall a lot. I’m amazed by the battle between the flesh and the spirit and how so often the flesh is victorious. The flesh is such a powerful force and I see…

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Add Spontaneity to Family Time

Moms have twenty-four hours a day to fit in eating, cooking, cleaning, working, getting the kids off to school and activities, possibly volunteering, and spending time with God and their loved ones. Are you exhausted yet? I am! Our days become crammed and soon another week has passed, a month and then years! Looking at…

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Time for You To Bloom

As I cheerfully bid adieu to old man winter and welcome spring with open arms I’m reminded of how we undergo different seasons in our own lives. Spring ushers in a time for renewal, possibilities, and optimism. The earth starts its work, the sun warms the ground, the flowers begin to bloom and signs of…

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