Get Prepared and Spend Quality Time With Your Family

Once upon a time four years ago pre mommy-hood I had more hours in the day than I needed. Rarely was I stressed about grocery shopping, laundry, or errands in general. Life was carefree and many evenings were spent browsing bookstores, attending art events, and enjoying the city I lived in. Much has changed in…

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Spring Cleaning the Family Budget

Although the economy has shown a slight improvement, the recent economic downturn has given families quite a scare. People are more aware then ever of their finances, which is a good thing. This season when you are spring cleaning your home take a couple hours to spring clean your budget and finances. Finances can be…

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Time to Take Care of You

Motherhood is the biggest blessing in my life. I never imagined that having a child would give me so much joy! Although motherhood gives me great joy I would be lying if I said there weren’t times I wasn’t stressed. As a single mother I’ve learned that it is important to distress from parenting. Since…

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