Posts by Chere Williams
Incorporate Bible Study Into Your Family’s Daily Life
This past Thursday evening I attended Bible study. I discovered attending bible study in mid week recharges me spiritually and I thoroughly enjoy having fellowship with my Christian brothers and sisters. In class there was a young man in his twenties, when he spoke I felt immediately that he grew up in a family that…
Keep Reading...Create A Home Office That Suits Your Needs
Home offices are becoming as common as family rooms. Many moms are opting to work at home instead of in the office. Although I travel into the office daily, I have the capability of working remotely. As a single mom whose parents live four hours away when my daughter is sick it is a blessing…
Keep Reading...Teaching Your Children Through Your Shortcomings
Last year, I wrote an article about instilling Christ –like behavior in children. Parents are responsible for instilling morals, values, and manners in our children and as Christian parents we have the awesome duty of teaching them Biblical principles and how to be Christ like. Whether you have a toddler, an adolescent, or a teenager…
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