Frugal Living
Credit Repair Tips
In some cases, bad credit is a result of irresponsible money management. But it often occurs because of unexpected financial hardship. One day you might have all of your bills current, and the next you could become disabled or lose your job. And if you fall behind on your debts, it will wreak havoc on…
Keep Reading...Is it Expensive to Be Green?
This is a question many people have asked me and unfortunately the answer is not that easy. While, yes, to buy organic and items that are green can be quite costly, there are also many ways to be green that are very affordable. You do not need to spend a lot of money to be…
Keep Reading...Mother/Daughter Frugal Spa Day…at Home!
A great way for a Mom to connect with her daughter is to have a beauty day. It’s fun, girly and filled with opportunity for memories! This is a great idea for ANY age! Tips to Create a frugal spa day at home Plan a date. If you have boys in the house, send them…
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