Make the Most of Each Season of Life

Make the Most of Each Season of Life

I love when seasons officially change. I was just thinking the other day how glad I am that months end, weeks end, and days end. I think the Lord, in His wisdom, knew we needed new starts. No matter how dark a period is, it is only a period in our lives. For me, I…

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Apps that Encourage your Spirit

Apps that Encourage your Spirit #apps

I was just talking with a friend about how the Iphone was a game-changer for me (and most likely everyone else who has one too). I was notorious all throughout high school and college for losing my cell phone. My parents would leave messages in college about their long lost daughter, asking me to locate…

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Three Home Decor Sites to Ignite Your Creativity

Three Home Decor Sites to Ignite Your Creativity #homedecor

My home decorating goes in waves. Sometimes that’s where our creative budget goes, other times, it goes towards building the miniature wardrobes of constantly growing children, or putting in some landscaping. It’s on the budget every month in its own little wonderful category, but it usually is one of those flexible categories that helps booster…

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