All Moms
Tips to Maintain Family Prayer During Summer Months
Summer is here and school is out for the season. If your household is anything like mine there is a whole lot of rejoicing from the children and a little bit of sadness from Mom, although I do rejoice a little bit when I get to banish the dreaded sock drawer until September. I confess,…
Keep Reading...Summer Sandals: 6 Styles You Will Flip Over
To say I’m obsessed with sandals is putting it moderately. I really, really, adore sandals. I hate close toed shoes for so many reasons, but mostly because of the weather they represent. Sandals represent sun and sand and shorts and wonderful heat that rises as the day stretches out long before us. But I also…
Keep Reading...What God Has Done: Let Your Story Inspire
Whenever there is a testimony time at church I think to myself beforehand, “I don’t need to share, I don’t need to share…” You see, I know if I share, I’m going to cry. And really, who likes to cry in front of a room full of people? My throat closes up, my nose drips…
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