All Moms
5 Time Management Tips for Busy Moms
This past year has been the busiest of my 30+ years of life. I’ve always been a busy person, juggling my family, day job, church commitments, and writing goals. But I recently reached a place where the pressure was unbearable. Below is what I learned from my recent struggles with time management. These items are essential to…
Keep Reading...Teach Children the Power of Faith
Faith is a principle of action. We can read about faith and talk about faith, but until we actually put faith into ACTION we will not really UNDERSTAND and KNOW what faith can do in our lives. How can we teach children the power of faith and how to exercise it if we are not…
Keep Reading...House Cleaning Prayers are Answered Too!
Blessings can be exhausting. Recently my family has been blessed with two extra bedrooms, another bathroom and a large kitchen/dining room. What a blessing! We need the room. But the extra work that has come along with it has started to seem somewhat overwhelming. Working full-time and caring for my kids full-time as well as…
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