Homeschool Budget Tips

Homeschool Budget Tips #homeschool #budget #tips

Too many times have I heard the phrase, “We don’t have money for curriculum.”  Honestly, there have been many times that that I have said the exact same thing.  It wasn’t because I didn’t budget.  Money was just tight!  However, we need to do what it takes to create and maintain a workable homeschool budget.…

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In Need of Grace

I made a mistake. By the time I realized that I had made the mistake, it was already too late. It was unintentional, a mistake pure and simple, but once the course of events was set in motion the situation was out of my hands. There is nothing much worse than messing up. Except messing…

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SwimSuit Ideas to Flatter the “Gray Zones”

SwimSuit Ideas to Flatter the "Gray Zones"

Swimsuits are a touchy subject for Christian women. How much skin is too much skin? Can you wear a bikini and still love Jesus? Should moms show stomach? So many questions. I come to you with no answers. Were we a planet of just women, or perhaps just swimming among women, I’d say be bold…

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