Faith and Business 101: Balancing Family and Work

Thanks for the comments this past week! I want to start by responding to Melissa’s question about balancing family and work. How do we be attentive moms and still work? What should our priorities be? We talked about Priorities & Planning a few weeks back, but let’s go a little deeper here. What does this…

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Faith and Business 101: Check-Up

For those of you who have faithfully been reading my column, I’m honored to be a part of your life each week! My prayer is that you will find something in this column every Friday to help you grow– as a child of God, a mother, and a business woman. My personal prayer each day…

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Faith and Business 101: Distractions and Boundaries

This week, let’s talk about distractions. As mothers, we are faced with countless distractions throughout the day: phone calls, e-mails, unexpected interruptions, emergencies…you name it! It’s difficult to focus on your work when little things come up and distract you. Maybe you’re working in an office and you have a huge deadline. What should you…

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