The Story of David
The story of David is our third FREE excerpt from the Read and Share Bible. If you missed the past two downloads, click here. I love David and I feel that I have a heart very similar to his. He was an amazing man who made huge mistakes, yet through it all he walked with…
Keep Reading...Blissdom, Clothes, Business Cards and PURPLE World??
Blissdom You may have read that I am going to Blissdom to represent Moms of Faith this year. If not, you can read it here. Anyway, I have been preparing for our trip over the past two weeks. I have been preparing my body since I signed up to go in October! LOL! I am…
Keep Reading...Haven of Refreshment
A new year is upon us. It is unnerving to think how quickly 365 days come and go. Many of us reflect back and hope forward during this moment of time between what has happened and what is yet to come. And when we take account of where we’ve been, who we are, and where…
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