Adam and Eve for Kids

The story of Adam and Eve is our second free excerpt from the Read and Share Bible. Just what is this? Read and Share Bible is a type of kids Bible designed specifically to keep a child’s attention. Each story is short and too the point. Just enough info to keep their interest and in…

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Moms of Faith is going to Blissdom 11!

I am very excited that God has allowed me the opportunity to go to Blissdom this year. For those of you who do not know what the heck I am talking about, simply put, it is a blogging/social media conference to help attendees learn more about their craft, obtain contacts and grow their niche. I…

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“How can that be?”  was the first thing that popped in to my mind as the physician continued her examination.  “Wait a minute here!  My appointment was just for an annual check and pap!  You’re telling me that I’m pregnant?  Holy Cow!” “Does that cost extra?!” “Well, let’s just see.”  She tells me as she…

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