The Daily – Rise UP!
I cannot get my mind off of the Scripture I gave as a memory verse in our last lesson. I find it so profound… “I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you from your birth. Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair…
Keep Reading...The Daily – Temple of the Holy Spirit
After I had my first child my weight woes began. However, when the second child came I lost control and became overweight. I felt bad all the time. I was tired, my knees hurt and I was always hot. All through this I could feel the Lord telling me that I was out of balance…
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Life is hard. We go through a lot in this life…loss, betrayal, disappointments, financial struggles, and the list goes on and on and on. However, one thing that never changes is God’s love for us. Yes, we may lose a loved one or a relationship. Yes, we may go through a major trial. Yes, we…
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