Forgiveness, part 2
Click Here if you missed part one. Last time, we read examples of people in the Bible who forgave horrible wrongs committed against them. Today we will see what the Word tells the Believer about forgiveness. Unforgiveness hinders our prayers. We are told in the book of Mark to let go of wrongs done to…
Keep Reading...Forgiveness, part 1
Today, we will begin a two part study on forgiveness. We will start by looking at examples of forgiveness in the Bible. Esau forgave Jacob – In Genesis 27 Jacob has stolen his own brothers birthright and blessing! Esau was furious and vowed to kill him as soon as their father died. Jacob spent many…
Keep Reading...Faith – What is it?
<– Back to Faith Devotional Series Main Today we will begin a series on FAITH. I asked God to help me, and this is what He gave me. So, I am sure it is a subject that He wants us to learn more about. Hebrews 11 has a lot to say about faith. We will…
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