How to Make Your Refrigerator More Eco Friendly

Many of us are trying to live a more sustainable, eco friendly lifestyle. One of the best places to start making changes is in our kitchens, the hub of the home and the place where we prepare food. Here are some tips on reducing your carbon footprint and making your kitchen a little healthier. Make…

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Creative Cooking in the Wintertime

It is so much fun to cook and bake in the winter when it’s cold and the days are shorter! In northern California where I live, our temperature ranges from 35° to 105° (more or less). The seasons change abruptly and sometimes, it’s physically challenging trying to keep up with the climate changes. In late…

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5 Ways to Create Magic in the Kitchen

Cooking Secret No.1 – Buy Top Quality Ingredients Leading chef’s only use the freshest and best tasting food they can find. Even the best chefs in the world would have difficulty making food taste good from inferior products. However, this does not mean everything has to be made from scratch. When buying pre-prepared goods always…

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