Welcome to Moms of Faith!
Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace
Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.
Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.
On the Blog...
Fellowship is Vital For All Ages
The previous winter storm had me confined to my home for a week, although I had a great time drinking hot chocolate and creating cozy memories with Anya, there was one thing that I dearly missed and that was fellowship with members of the church I attend. Fellowship is an integral part of a Christian’s…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: The Mirror
Yesterday was kind of a depressing day for me. Maybe not so much depressing as it was overwhelming! Have you ever held the mirror up to your life and taken a good long look? I personally try to do this on a pretty regular basis. I meet with my accountability partner each week and she…
Keep Reading...Is it Expensive to Be Green?
This is a question many people have asked me and unfortunately the answer is not that easy. While, yes, to buy organic and items that are green can be quite costly, there are also many ways to be green that are very affordable. You do not need to spend a lot of money to be…
Keep Reading...Easy Lunchboxes Review
Conceived by Kelly Lester, Easy Lunchboxes, will transform not only how you “do” lunch but how you think about lunch. It is my honor to introduce you to this creative mom with a lovely spirit and a concept that not only is earth friendly but family friendly. Please take the time to read all about Kelly in her bio! What is Easy Lunchboxes?…
Keep Reading...Get Your Family Prepared For An Emergency
Old man winter refuses to leave my neighborhood! I live in the Maryland/ Washington, DC area which was clobbered with snow (28-30 inches!). The snow accumulation was unbelievable and we are still feeling the effects. Fortunately, my daughter and I were safe and warm. Unfortunately, many people in the area lost their power for days…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: Stepping Out in Faith
“Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it.” Proverbs 8:32-33 Is your year getting off to a great start? Are you pursuing the dreams that we wrote down not long ago? I know from experience that it takes…
Keep Reading...Green Start to Your Day
What better way to begin your day than Green? You can start your day glorifying God by taking care of what He placed in your hands…His planet. How? Simple. Forget about the norm when you wake up each morning. Try waking up a little early and having a warm natural bubble bath. Light some candles…
Keep Reading...Incorporate Bible Study Into Your Family’s Daily Life
This past Thursday evening I attended Bible study. I discovered attending bible study in mid week recharges me spiritually and I thoroughly enjoy having fellowship with my Christian brothers and sisters. In class there was a young man in his twenties, when he spoke I felt immediately that he grew up in a family that…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: God is Our Promoter
I receive a daily devotion each morning from Chuck Swindoll. This past week there was a reading that really hit home with me and reminded me that no matter how much time and energy I put into something…God is the promoter, not man! All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God…
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