Welcome to Moms of Faith!
Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace
Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.
Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.
On the Blog...
Family Movie Night: Game of Your Life
One of the hardest things for me as a Mother is finding quality entertainment for my kids that is also SAFE for them to watch. That is why when I was given the opportunity to review a new family movie, I jumped at the chance! After watching Game of Your Life, I am pleased to…
Keep Reading...Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Predators
I have been hearing a lot of stories in the news lately about children being abused by sexual predators. As a mother, the whole topic of pedophiles and the child sex trade just sickens me… It also makes me very sad and stirs up unpleasant memories from my own childhood. You see, I was sexually…
Keep Reading...Tips For Selecting a Real or Artificial Christmas Tree
Whether you go for a real or artificial tree this year, below are a few tips to help you make the best choice–either way! :) Real trees are becoming a popular choice over artificial ones, however, there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides. One isn’t necessarily better than the other as it’s a personal…
Keep Reading...Over 100 Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas for the Whole Family
Stocking stuffers are usually the last things to get on a Christmas shopping list. in our home, the stocking is the most prized gift of all! My kids save it for last and LOVE it! I stuff it with all kinds of goodies…and some year’s there may be an extra special surprise in there! Stocking…
Keep Reading...Cyber Monday
Aaaargh! BOOM! That’s my head exploding from all the post Thanksgiving holiday shopping ads! The turkey is still warm and the television is erupting with suggestions from Target or Macy’s to run immediately to the stores to buy, buy, buy! Not only that, every time I check my email this week, the “box” is full…
Keep Reading...6 Inexpensive Winter Break Activities For The Family
Winter break is almost here and that means kids are going to be out of school looking for things to do during the winter school break. Some will settle for sleeping in, eating, sitting in front of the tube or staying connected with an electronic gadget of some sort. It’s not exactly a parent’s dream…
Keep Reading...Getting Ready For Christmas
Who’s ready for Christmas? If you haven’t started, it’s time to do some serious planning and take action. Here are some tips to get you moving in the right direction so that when the holiday draws closer you’re not freaking out or stressed. Tips to Help You Get Ready for Christmas Gifts I know you’re…
Keep Reading...Truly Thankful
If you’ve been following this column you’ll know that the past 8 months has been a little bit on the side of nutso around here. It is with a full, relieved, and truly thankful heart that I can report that I am now safely back at home with my wonderful brave hubby safely by my…
Keep Reading...Planning The Winter School Break with the Kids
I’m not a fan of the heat in Florida and I welcome the cooler air. We don’t really get a ‘winter’ here. It’s not too hot and it’s not too cold so it’s just right! However, cold weather or not–winter school break is almost here and I’m planning and preparing now on what activities my…
Keep Reading...Meal Ideas For Thanksgiving Turkey Leftovers
If you have leftover turkey on Thanksgiving, you’re not alone. If you can’t divvy up the leftovers and make food care packages for your guests or family to take home, your other choice is to find ways to re-purpose the turkey and other goodies. Easier said than done? Not at all because there are many…
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