GrandLoving: Making Memories With Your Grandchildren

Where to buy: GrandLoving: Making Memories With Your Grandchildren is a lovely resource for grandparents (but also uncles, aunts etc) on how to bond with your grandchildren. It covers over 200 activity ideas; from having fun with toddlers to staying in touch with your teen grandchild. This book is a great help to novice…

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Chapter Eleven: Marcus Comes to Visit Julia…or Perhaps Hadassah??

Don’t know what we are reading? Click Here for more info. It is NEVER too late to participate! Marcus sees Hadassah with new eyes… A Voice in the Wind Chapter Eleven: Marcus Comes to Visit Julia…or Perhaps Hadassah?? During his journey to visit his sister, we gain insight into Marcus’s desire for wealth, power and…

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Chapter Ten: Atretes Conditioning and Married Life with Julia

Don’t know what we are reading? Click Here for more info. It is NEVER too late to participate! 6 months into her marriage and Julia is more selfish than ever…but, let’s start with Atretes… A Voice in the Wind Chapter Ten: Atretes Conditioning and Married Life with Julia The chapter begins with Atretes being trained…

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