Posts Tagged ‘Cleaning’
Quick De-Cluttering Tips
Clutter seems to just sneak up on you. I for one function better when I clear out the clutter. There is something serene about living in a simplified space clear from all the junk that tends to pile up. Below are some tips on quickly clearing out the clutter: 1. Get a box and go…
Keep Reading...Make Thanksgiving Day Cozy for Your Guests
Thanksgiving is this week! Amazing how in a few days we’ll be eating turkey and watching football. What isn’t great about gathering with family and friends, eating food, talking, and simply being grateful! I love the little touches we can add to our home to make our guests feel comfortable. Here are some quick tips…
Keep Reading...Welcome Spring Cleaning with These Easy Tips
I am welcoming spring with open arms! After a long winter my body is craving sunshine and spring breezes. Spring is a season for renewal and rejuvenation both for your body and home. Spring cleaning is both therapeutic and rewarding. Cleaning out the clutter and sweeping out the old while ushering in the new is…
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