From Sizzling Hott Summertime to a TYPD

Well, I did it!  Yesterday, I managed to finish, yes finish all three controversial books in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.  (I’ll tell you all about “that” later…)  But guess what else I did yesterday!?  This is really hard to believe;… especially from this not-so-athletic-hott-grey-haired mama of four.  I biked 25 miles! Yes!  You…

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Twisted Holidays

I just  read a blog post that really got me thinking. It was about the fact that a site that promotes affairs (for women) gets a huge boost in numbers immediately after Mother’s Day. Ouch. The author went on to talk about the fact that women so often twist Mother’s Day to being about themselves…

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Doors Unlocked

As I have said before, being a mom means wearing several different hats. When you are the mother (or parent, dads can wear many hats too!) of a special needs child your hat wardrobe expands even more! I know that after the smoke settled with Caleb’s illness, I had to take on new roles that…

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