Give Your Children Grace

We all love our kids. Before I became a mother I never realized how deeply a parent loves their child. It is an intense love that goes beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. There is this primal instinct to protect, nurture and love them with every fiber of our being. With that said, let’s admit it,…

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Hott Mama in a Hott Cauldron!

What? Pagans?  Witches?  And, God?  Oh My! Oh.  Yes.  Looks like “Excuse me, can I tell you something?” has found myself in a cauldron of Hott Water, unbeknownst to me, that’s for SURE!  (I think I prefer my Hott hubby Dan and our Hott Tub!)  But hey….  God has a plan for everything!  Right?! OK.…

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The Daily – My Silent Pain Reveals God’s Amazing Grace

Longtime readers most likely already know my testimony. If you are a new reader, feel free to browse around. I share a lot about my life, past, and the many trials I have faced. I believe one of the posts is called “My Birthday Post”. Anyway, I was sitting on the couch last night and…

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