Good Deed Cross

It is spring time and the Easter bunny is hopping into town. The kids are excited about dying eggs and having their Easter baskets filled with chocolate. We realize that Easter is much more meaningful than chocolate bunnies and marshmallow peeps. Easter is a time for Christians to reflect on their own spirituality and on…

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Happy New Year!!!!

Well, we took some time off for the Christmas season! However, vacation is over! LOL!! We are baaaack! Moms of Faith has also just had a Message Board Makeover. We are now using vBulletin and have TONS of new features and fun for our MOF community members. If you have never joined MOF, I would…

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Product Review: Wii Fit

With Christmas near and shopping under way, I thought this would be a great product review to post. From what I understand Wii Fit is a great product for the whole family and helps promote exercise in a fun way. Product Name: Wii Fit Submitted by: Alicia Tucker Rating: 10 Where to buy: We got…

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