Budget Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas

This time of year can be expensive. Throw in an ailing economy and it can be down right depressing. However, we can have a decent Christmas and not break the bank. Below are some inexpensive gift ideas to help you get the most for your money! Quick Tip: The very BEST way to shop is…

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Organizing Tips for Christmas Season

As many of my faithful reader know, I am organizationally challenged. So, I went on a search for a helpful article on organizing for the holidays and this is what I found… Start the Christmas Season the Organized Way I am sure that by now you are all running around at a frantic pace trying…

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Fun Fridays – Holiday Memories (repeat addition!)

Since our first “Fun Friday” had no bites…I think it is because it was a holiday. Anyway, I am repeating the event. “Holiday Memories” Share a holiday memory that you had in years past. Post it on your blog with a link back to this post. Increase your odds of winning by adding a link…

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