Carrying Christmas into 2012

By now the stockings have been un-hung, the decorations packed away except for perhaps a stray snowman here and there. Thoughts go from cookies to calories from gifts to goals. It’s easy to get into a post holiday slump–especially if Christmas didn’t go quite as planned. Perhaps your spouse was grumpy, your children decided that…

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Truly Thankful

If you’ve been following this column you’ll know that the past 8 months has been a little bit on the side of nutso around here. It is with a full, relieved, and truly thankful heart that I can report that I am now safely back at home with my wonderful brave hubby safely by my…

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Ditching the Gimmie Attitude

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. – Philippians 2:3 In today’s day and age one of the main mindsets of America is the “gimmie attitude” What do I mean by this? Well if you have children, you probably already know. From…

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