Avoid Arthritis Flareups by Avoiding Certain Foods

Some research has shown that the foods we eat affect arthritis flare ups. While it is always recommended that you see a doctor, avoiding the following foods could be a healthier choice whether arthritis is a concern or not. Eating healthy should be something we do as part of a continual lifestyle. However, if what…

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Cuisinart EM-200 Programmable Espresso Maker

Where to buy: www.allespressomachines.com If you love specialty coffees and would like to save money in the long run by making them at home, then the Cuisinart EM-200 Programmable Espresso Maker is a good investment. You can treat yourself to delicious and perfect lattes, cappuccinos or even a sip of espresso to keep you going.…

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4 Yummy Labor Day Recipes

Labor Day is right around the corner! What better way to celebrate the end of summer, and the working man than to make a delicious spread with these yummylicious recipes! I have included a great beverage to cool you and your guests off, a side, main course and dessert! Let me know what ya’ll think!…

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