Beautiful – Teaching Children Modesty Early

Beautiful - Teaching Children Modesty Early #beautiful #modesty #parenting

My husband and I didn’t think we’d find ourselves trying to teach our four year old about modesty. We thought for sure that would be something to save for the pre-teen years. However, lately, we’ve found the influences she finds and sees in the world around her on a daily basis, have caused us to…

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Children are Affected – Why Mom’s Mood Matters

Children are Affected - Why Mom's Mood Matters #mom #mood #children

As moms, we have much power over our family and our home. Moms typically establish the mood in the home. We have only a few minutes to set the tone when we wake up our children in the morning… When they come home from school… And when we pick them up from an activity. Do you want…

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Strong Willed Children: Finding the Positive

Strong Willed Children: Finding the Positive #parenting #strongwilledchildren

“Mrs. Smith , could you please come and get your son, he is not listening… again.”  Oh Lord, why was this happening again? This was the third time in a two week period alone that my son’s “strong willed” behavior had me called out. Frustration, hurt, sadness, and disappointment all whirled within my soul at…

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