
Movie Title: Tangled Rating: PG Director: Byron Howard and Nathan Greno Starring: Voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi and Donna Murphy Category: Animation, Family, Comedy Moms of Faith Rating: 8 out of 10 Intro: Tangled is a modern day Rapunzel story for the little girl in all of us. Review: I am the Mother of…

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A True Mom Gift: Photo Bracelets!

I’m not sure about anyone else but buying gifts for my mom and my friends becomes increasingly difficult each year.  I do not have a picky mom or friends, they are all quite gracious.  In fact my mom is almost to gracious as she would never ask for a thing yet she gives the world…

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Opportunity to be a Featured WAHM on Moms of Faith!

I want to try and have several give-a-ways for the month of December in celebration of CHRISTmas. I need YOUR help! If you are a WAHM or business owner with something you would like to have featured/reviewed and would like to offer one (or more) to our fabulous readers, please let me know ASAP. Read…

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