Why Sports Are Great for Teens and How to Get Started

Teens get involved in a lot of things in high school. Some are involved in clubs and others are part of the band. There are many reasons why sports are great for teens and here’s how they can get started. One of the biggest benefits for teens to be involved in sports is that it…

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Beat the Heat: Summer Fun Tips for Moms

It does not feel like it, but summer is actually coming to an end. Soon the kids will be going back to school and life will be overwhelmingly busy again. Do not miss this opportunity to enjoy your kids and make summer break a happy memory in the lives of you and your children. We…

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Preparing for Homeschooling – First Grade

This coming homeschool year will be a milestone for me. My oldest will be entering her last year and my youngest is starting first grade. Lots of emotions whirling around this Mom. I can tell you that I am a blessed woman. It has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Being able…

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