Assigning Our Children Responsibilities

It is imperative we teach our children to be responsible and accountable. It is tempting to do everything for them, when they give us that puppy dog face, but if we did that we’d do them a great disservice. Our children will always be our children, but God willing they’ll reach adulthood and lead their…

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Divorced Parents Need to Maintain A United Front For Their Children

A break up is just that, people break up. They live in separate homes, and move on with their lives. It’s isn’t that simple when children are involved. You can’t walk away from your children or the responsibility you both have for their wellbeing. Children need stability and divorce doesn’t provide it, but as co-parents…

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Quick De-Cluttering Tips

Clutter seems to just sneak up on you. I for one function better when I clear out the clutter. There is something serene about living in a simplified space clear from all the junk that tends to pile up. Below are some tips on quickly clearing out the clutter: 1. Get a box and go…

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