What Is Your Response When Others Make Mistakes?

What Is Your Response When Others Make Mistakes?

It happened at church. My family had come early, and as we walked down the hallway, a young mother tried to drop off her two-year-old at the nursery. The worker explained that unfortunately they couldn’t take any children yet. The mother’s reaction caught me by surprise. She swept her child into her arms, shouted “Thanks…

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Psalm Snob

I have a confession to make. For years I avoided reading the Psalms in my personal devotion time. I think that somewhere in my prideful heart I assumed that the Psalms were for people who couldn’t handle the rest of the Bible. In my mind they had become a kind of, “Bible Lite.” This attitude…

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What are You Confessing?

{Devotional} What are You Confessing #devotional #confession #words #tongue #MOF

God has been dealing with me about what comes out of my mouth lately. What am I confessing? What I am declaring and accepting by allowing it to settle in my heart, and then ultimately come flying out of my mouth? Unfortunately, many times, we do not actually apply the Word to our lives. We…

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