Posts Tagged ‘Tips’
Stress Busters for Christian Women
I believe that just being a woman is a gift. We are such wonderful unique creatures. God really outdid Himself when He created us! We have spirit, beauty, patience, abilities, time-management, multi-tasking abilities and humor like no other. However, being a Christian woman can also come with large amounts of stress. All women have stress.…
Keep Reading...Getting Back into the “Back to School” Groove
Soon, school bells will be ringing and it will be time for children to head back to school. If you’re wondering about how to get a good routine going, consider the following ideas to help you create your own. Once you have a routine in place, the chance your family will be able to start…
Keep Reading...Fighting the PMS Monster!
There is nothing worse than being a woman going through PMS…or being WITH a woman going through PMS! LOL!!! PMS affects 80 to 90 percent of menstruating women. It is more than just the humorous “mood swing” joked about. PMS has serious symptoms including headaches, back pain, swollen and tender breasts, increased anxiety, bloating, acne…
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