Homeschool Corner – Teaching your Child to Read

Teaching your child to read can be fun for everyone. Children must learn to read properly. There are some very simple ways that we can not only teach our children to read well, we can also teach them great vocabulary usage. Teaching Children to Read and Good Vocabulary Tips Read to them Often. We have…

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Tuesday’s Mommy Tip – Repetition

Do you have a great tip for Moms? They can be about anything (family friendly, of course) that pertains to a Mom’s life, including; beauty, kitchen, health, parenting, and so much more! Click Here to find out how YOU can join Moms of Faith’s Tuesday’s Mommy  Tips! NOTE: PLEASE read the rules. We have a few…

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Tuesday’s Mommy Tip – Eating for Better Health

Do you have a great tip for Moms? They can be about anything (family friendly, of course) that pertains to a Mom’s life, including; beauty, kitchen, health, parenting, and so much more! Click Here to find out how YOU can join Moms of Faith’s Tuesday’s Mommy Tips! NOTE: PLEASE read the rules. We have a…

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