Posts Tagged ‘Tips’
Quick De-Cluttering Tips
Clutter seems to just sneak up on you. I for one function better when I clear out the clutter. There is something serene about living in a simplified space clear from all the junk that tends to pile up. Below are some tips on quickly clearing out the clutter: 1. Get a box and go…
Keep Reading...10 Ways to Incorporate God Into Your Family’s Life
God is the cornerstone of our family’s life. Our family faces spiritual warfare around every corner so it’s vital we build our home on a spiritual foundation that’s constructed on the word of God. There are a number of Scriptures in the Bible discussing the importance of training our children. Where does this training begin?…
Keep Reading...Tips for Moms to Keep our Kids Cold Free
While colds can be caught ANY time of year, this time of year is prime for our kids to catch colds. It is never too early to teach our children to be sanitary and how to avoid getting sickness and germs. We hope these tips help you keep your little ones…AND…Dr. Mom herself from catching…
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