Holy Boldness Batman!!

“You’re too little to be in school!”  “Hey SHORTIE!”  “Angie, why don’t you stand up?  Oh, YOU ARE!”  “Babies can’t go to school!”  “Why are you so small?” Here’s a good one:  “ANTgie!  ANTgie!  You’re not taller than an ANT!gie!”  “Should we step on her?” Those are just a few of the many jeers I…

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5 Fun Fall Activities For The Whole Family

After a sizzling, hot summer the crispness of fall is welcomed like a breath of fresh air. You can breathe again and it’s almost like you feel rejuvenated and alive. With its beautiful changes of colors of leaves, there are many outdoor activities that can be enjoyed by the entire family. The outdoors is a…

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Celebrate the Small Successes

On February 16, 2006, my life was profoundly affected. It was the blessed day that I gave birth to my daughter, Anya. Since that day my world has become more meaningful, more colorful, and fulfilling in ways I never thought possible. Motherhood has made me examine my life under a microscope. My choices are different,…

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