Crayola Bathtub Crayons

Bath time is a time to have some fun with your little ones before they are off to bed. A great way to keep them entertained in the bath is with the help of Crayola Bathtub Crayons. Your little one can use them as young as 18 months old. It encourages kids to be creative…

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Loving Parenting For The Greater Good

Do you remember something your parents wouldn’t let you do when you were a young child?  Wow, I have several! I sure thought my parents were the meanest pair of people that walked the earth. It was a time when everyone (but me of course), was allowed to stay out past dark. When the street…

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7 Reusing Paper Tips for Young Children

For those of you that have toddlers or young children the issue of using paper to draw on has most likely come up. How can we let our kids enjoy coloring without feeling like we are allowing the waste of paper and the over killing of trees? Well, by being creative, coming up with ways…

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