10 Back to School Tips to Save Time, Money and Mom’s Sanity

It’s that time of year again. Summer is coming to an end. Parents and students are preparing to get ready to go back to school. It is a very busy and sometimes stressful time. I hope these tips help make your life easier, reduce your stress, and save you money as you prepare.

10 Quick Back to School Tips

1. Shop sales. Do your research and find out which stores have the items you are looking for at the best price.

2. Wait for the tax free days. Why shop for clothes sooner? Not only are stores competing for your business, you will save money on taxes.

3. Shop at resale shops. You can find some real goodies at second hand shops and no one needs to know other than you and your kids. It is a huge money saver. My teenager LOVES shopping resale shops because she gets more clothes for her clothes budget! ;)

4. Get the list. Make sure that you have attended any meetings and received the infamous back to school items list that most schools offer. The list will help you know what types of folders, pencils, etc, that your children will need.

5. Menu for lunches. Make a plan of what you will make for lunches. Be ready and have a weekly menu made up for the first few weeks. Having some things prepared beforehand will also help. (example: snacks, fruit, drinks, money, etc.) This will save your brain power and make your mornings run much smoother.

6. Transportation. How will your kids get to and from school? (Bus, carpool, walk.) Make sure you know and already have it arranged.

7. Schedule. You will need to plan your schedule for activities, sports and other things your kids will be involved in for the new school year. Make sure you have a plan in place and know who goes where and when so you do not stress out when the chaotic times begin!

8. Clean. NOW is the time to get the house in order. If your house is a mess from the summer and having kids around all day, you will want to get it all in order before the chaos of activity begins with the coming school year. If you wait, you will stress, regret and not have the time to do anything about it.

9. Budget. Can you afford everything that your kids want to do? You will need to plan early and make sure they know what can and cannot be done in the new school year. Make sure that you are not overextending your time and money. Children need love, acceptance and quality time–NOT an overabundance of activities. Make sure you budget your time and money wisely.

10. Relax. If you plan and get prepared, there will be no need to stress out. Start now and take your time, you will find that you spent less money, limited your stress level and didn’t miss anything. Slow down and make sure that you are seeing the big picture.

I hope these 10 back to school tips make your life a little easier as you make the transition from summer fun to the activities and busyness of the autumn season.

Be Prepared!

Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise! Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. – Proverbs 6:6-8

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Rachel @ Common to Moms on August 3, 2011 at 11:29 am

    These are great tips for going back to school! I don’t have kids in school yet, but the fall is always more crazy than the summer with activities, etc. Thanks for the encouragement to start thinking about this NOW. I’m sure it will help!

  2. Jenn on August 5, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    Great tips! Thanks for encouraging us to prepare. =o}

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