Faith and Business 101: What Can I Do?

The main questions I get asked all the time about my work from home jobs are, “What do you do?” and “What can I do to make money from home?” This is always slightly tricky to answer, as I do have a few work from home jobs, they all bring in monthly income, and I…

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Faith and Business 101: Meeting Solutions

Multi-Level marketing company consultants, work-from-home businesses with more than one person in it, mom business owners with a Virtual Assistant, and Virtual Assistants all have at least one thing in common. That one thing is that they have to redefine normal meeting scenarios because they operate under a total different structure than a brick office…

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Faith and Business 101: The Power of Brainstorming and Networking

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. – Proverbs 27:17 If I was asked to give anyone one tip on working from home it would be this–network, network, network! I can’t stress how important and valuable surrounding yourself with like-minded women is! Both work from home jobs that I now have…

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