Back to School Helpers for Homeschoolers too

It is that time of year again. The kids will be going back to school or if you are a homeschooler, school will be beginning soon. I compiled some helpers to make the process easier. Feel free to comment and leave your own tips, links, or ideas!

School Supplies Tips and What you will Need:

Most schools give a list. However, why wait? It is always best to be one step ahead, so you are not hectic later! Oh, and supplies for home school are pretty much the same as a public or private school.

School Supply Shopping Tips:

  • buy in bulk whenever you can
  • take advantage of tax free school supplies day in your area and stock up
  • borrow as much as you can from the library to lower expenses
  • join homeschooling share groups in your area and online
  • Shop at the dollar store. Most of them have a small selection of teacher supplies including maps, awards, stickers, handwriting practice pads etc. You will also most like find paper, pencils and many student supplies.
  • Order as a group if you have a homeschooling support group, pool together to get the bulk discounts on workbooks and other needed items

Basic School Supplies Needed for those who GO to school:

  • glue sticks
  • notebook paper
  • composition books
  • triple lined handwriting practice paper for kindergarten
  • pencils
  • pens (for older children)
  • highlighters
  • graph paper
  • pencil sharpener
  • scissors
  • craft supplies
  • folders
  • book covers
  • back pack
  • lunch box
  • padlock

Basic School Supplies for Homeschoolers:

  • Some of the items above as you see fit
  • stapler
  • science sets
  • map/globe
  • calendars
  • paper clips
  • paint and art supplies
  • flash cards
  • school books ( there are MANY options, you can do a Google search. Amazon and eBay will have some used options. I personally use the abeka dvd program for my teenager.)
  • Readers
  • calculator for older kids
  • dry erase board and markers. (I find this MUCH easier than a chalk board. However, feel free to use a chalk board if it works better for you.)
  • physical ed supplies, kickballs, trampoline, exercise videos. I use a Pilate’s video for my teenager.
  • music and possibly instruments

More Homeschool things to consider

  • know the laws and requirements in your state or province
  • know the high school credit requirements if you child will be making the switch at that grade level
  • many public schools offer openings in their extracurricular activities such as club and sports team to allow home schooled children to participate as well
  • join a support group in your town for homeschoolers.  Check out MOF social network!
  • if a particular subject is tough you can always bring in a tutor to help (there are also great dvd type programs like from abeka. A much more affordable option than tutoring in many cases.)
  • research the different curriculum choices to find the one that is best for you and your child. This will be trial and error in many cases. Do not get discouraged. I have been homeschooling for over ten years and I spent the first three trying to find what best fit my daughter and me.
  • decide your schedule for the year. Plan field trips, days off, and allow for sick days.
  • set aside a school area where school will be done each day. Keep it in order and quiet during school hours.
  • have supplies on hand before you begin school for the day
  • utilize the Internet, there are many resources for activities, curriculum help, support groups, printable sheets, etc
  • go to the library often. It is a FREE resource tool that you should take advantage of. Plus you get the kids out of the house. Many have sections for little ones too.

Places to Find Homeschool Necessities

  • dollar stores
  • oriental trading – provides educational and projects supplies as well as bulk pencils etc
  • many websites offer books to match up to curriculum of homeschooling – these are just a few
  • bulk discount shops like Sam’s or things like paper, pencils, books, notebooks, etc
  • Teacher’s Place shops are open to the public, go in and pick out some supplies
  • science and puzzle shops provide great experiment kits
  • ask your local public school for any extras or leftovers they may have at the end of the school year (you’d be surprised how many things get thrown away that you can use)
  • homeschooling support groups often have programs to “share” more expensive supplies and displays
  • sign up on homeschool websites to product test the latest home school programs and tools

Helpful links for homeschoolers and educational sites:

Quick tip: Look up homeschool alliance with your city/state/province name in the search and you will find the homeschool alliance closest to you. They have a TON of info for you and are helpful with laws and such. I love the Florida one:

  • (they send it right to your email box!)

Well, I hope this information was helpful. Remember, this time of year does not have to be stressful! Have a wonderful school year!!

Copyright © Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Rachel on August 13, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    thanks for the tips- great things to remember and lots of new ones for me as well- great post, thanks; and how do you do it all? sounds like you have a very full and blessed life! :)

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