Money Saving Tips for Families

Below are some tips to help us be better stewards as a family with the money that God provides. Family Money Saving Tips Every family should have a budget, no matter what their financial status is. A budget tells you exactly how much your have coming in, and how much goes out on a monthly…

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Scrapbooking 101 for Beginners

Scrapbooking is a great way to preserve your family memories. It gives you the opportunity to not only put the pictures in one lace, but journal about the event or picture as well. Journaling is what makes the story come alive. My oldest daughter LOVES to look through and read the scrapbook I made for…

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Blueberries may be small, but health benefits are HUGE!

Blueberries are adorable and delicious little fruits that have a LOT more to offer than flavor. These round little delights also pack a powerful nutritional punch! Read on for some interesting facts about blueberries and health benefits. Oh, and a couple yummy recipes too! Note: For the MOST power in your blueberry, go for the…

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