Recreate Your Home – Quick and Cheap Decorating Tips for Busy Moms

Spring is not only a perfect time to do your usual, “spring cleaning,” but it is a great time for change and rejuvenation in your home. Making a few small changes around your house can give it a whole new look. Money may be tight, but that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck with the same old décor. During my pre-mom years I loved moving to a new place, simply because a new space gave me renewed energy. Each time I moved I found a new way to create my living quarters that I hadn’t quite thought of before. Now that I have a three year old and triple the belongings, I can’t say that I get the same thrill from moving. However, my home still undergoes a makeover every few months, just to keep things fresh. I normally try to redecorate around the spring or in the winter, or frankly anytime the mood strikes.

Does your home need a little lift, some color, or a new look? Spice up your home by being creative and resourceful with a few of these tips.

Quick and Cheap Decorating Tips for Busy Moms

Take Inventory and Keep an Open Mind

If you are watching your pennies, don’t be discouraged, new purchases aren’t always necessary. Take a look at the rooms in your home, is there furniture that you can swap from one room to the next? Would the mirror that has been hanging n the living room for four years look better in the hallway or perhaps the dining room? Sometimes we get so accustomed to how a room looks that we are reluctant to make changes. Try to envisioning pieces of one room in another room and you will be surprised at the big difference it can make. Dig in the attic or basement and pull out those old antique pieces and start refurbishing.

Changes on the Cheap

There are changes that you can do rather cheaply that give a completely different vibe to the room you are redecorating.

  • Painting is one of the most inexpensive ways to reinvent a room. Choose the paint color that fits the purpose of the room. If you want the space to be tranquil you may choose a pale yellow. If you want a fun play room you may choose a brighter color such as red.
  • Slipcovers can save you from purchasing a new piece of furniture. Instead of buying a new couch, search for slipcovers that resemble the new couch you have in mind. They also work wonders for dining room chairs.
  • Pillow covers are great for those old pillows that no longer carry the same flair. Pillows can be costly, the covers are an affordable alternative to make them look new without spending the extra bucks.
  • Lighting can enhance the mood of a room. Try to find deals on pairs of lamps and put them in a little nook and see the difference.
  • Throws, curtains, and picture frames are other great ideas for recreating your space. You can get an affordable throw and place it over your couch, or a chair to add instant color and comfort. Curtains really bring out the personality of a room. Nothing makes a home more of a home than being surrounded by pictures of your loved one. Take your favorite pictures, get them enlarged, change them to black and white or sepia, put them in inexpensive frames, and enjoy a house full of memories.

Redesign the Room

The easiest way to redesign a room is by moving the furniture around. Moving the furniture can make a huge difference. Try to create a space that feels open and flows with the grain of the room. Also, don’t be afraid to move the furniture into different rooms. That chair that has always been in the living room may look better in the sun room. I took the curtains that were in my dining room and exchanged them for the curtains in my living room and loved the new look! Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new, you can always move it back. Take pictures of the room before and after you have rearranged the furniture to help you make your final decision.

Redecorating your home can be fun and rejuvenating. Make it a family affair and it becomes a real creative experience when everyone’s ideas are involved. Have everyone to write down their ideas and then compare and combine them. Remember to have fun and think outside of the box, by adding a little color, texture, and creativity you can give your home a brand new vibe.

Copyright © Chere Williams, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Elelta on October 13, 2009 at 10:39 am

    Just recently I made some redecoration in my living and dining room by adding some warm colors and its amazing how it rejuvinates and recreates your space. Absolutely amazing!

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