Quiet Time

I grew up “in the church.” I don’t remember a time in my life when I ever doubted that God existed and that He loved me. But I was in college before I had an authentic realization of who God was to me and that I was utterly useless without Him. That is when I…

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Go On a Spiritual Retreat in Your Own Home

Anya stays every other weekend over her dad’s house. So, I try to maximize my me time and so should you! With the Christmas season coming up, this is a great time to reflect upon your blessings and to spiritually recharge. If your kids are gone for a weekend, why not have your own, ‘Spiritual…

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Beware of The Holiday Scammers

The holiday season is here and the scammers are out in full force, ready to pounce on the vulnerable looking to earn some quick extra cash. It never ceases to amaze me how many people will constantly fall for the same scams each year. Here are some quick tips on what to look for and…

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