When My Heart is Overwhelmed


That’s the one word to perfectly sum up my day last week. When life throws missed alarm clocks, wasted mornings, bad news that rocks your world, and a lost engagement ring at you all in one day, it’s definitely enough to make you cry in the least, and perhaps go bury your head under a pillow and never come out again at the most.

Through my tears God kept bringing Psalm 61:1-3 to my mind:

Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock [that] is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, [and] a strong tower from the enemy.

Life is utterly overwhelming at times. We will all have days, weeks, months, and even years when our heart is overwhelmed by life. Whether it’s coping with deployment,  having your husband lose his leg in a motorcycle accident, or losing your three year old daughter to cancer this life will drop you to your knees. From your knees remember not to just curl over in pain but to cry out to God! He is our rock, our strong fortress than we can hide under and take shelter in. He is our strong tower that will protect, shield, and help us withstand all of the horrible things the enemy sends our way!

Also remember when you are overwhelmed to keep everything in perspective, always keep a “big picture” view of life…the first example was about the day I had, the reference to the accident and little girl with cancer are both other families that I know of who just had those horrible things happen to them recently. Though life’s little annoyances, painful separations, and material loss are hard to deal with, they utterly pale in comparison to what those around you might be dealing with. One of the best ways to get through your pain is to reach out to others in pain-even if it’s just through prayer for them. If your heart is feeling overwhelmed just imagine what they must be feeling!

So cry out to God, and reach out to others, and soon you will no longer feel overwhelmed!

Copyright © Nicole Elliott, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Jamie (@va_grown) on February 11, 2011 at 10:39 am

    I just posted using the same verse last Thursday! Sorry about your bad day, but what an encouraging post. Thanks for sharing, it lifted my heart.

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