Important For Moms Working At Home – PJ’s Or Dress For Success

You may not think twice about spending your whole day in your PJ’s if you work at home. While it can be a luxury and totally your call, but is it realistically productive? Think about that question for a minute, then read on…the answers vary from each individual. :)

I’ve actually done it both ways and performed an experiment. One morning while visiting the message boards I frequented daily, I discovered an article that turned my head “Dress For Success” was part of the title, and was written by a good friend, Judi Davis from However, I don’t remember the actual full title. It was about performing the experiment. I thought, “why not?”

So, for the first full week, I made sure I was showered and fully dressed before I started my work days. And the next week, I remained in my sleep wear for a full week. The experience of it was rather interesting.

While I’ve spent many days in my PJ’s, in my earlier home based experience…and done relatively well. Please note: this was AFTER I found out what all the scams were about and also what a lucrative income really was, and how to achieve real success as a website owner.

My Discoveries

What I experienced for the week that I was fully dressed was, drum role pleasebetter focus and organization skills. In addition, I was working out every morning, and that (in itself) gave me more energy and a better mental outlook for my day.

What I experienced for the week I remained in my PJ’s, was…yes, you guessed it! Definitely some lack of focus and sluggish organization. I also felt lazy, and not to mention, was unprepared for any visitors.

You know, before reading that informative article, I just never thought about it. As my thoughts were more focused on… I work at home and I have the luxury of staying in my PJ’s if I so choose. I call the shots.

Bottom Line – For me, there is definitely a difference in my productivity when I start out my day showered and dressed for the tasks that wait for me each morning. So, do I “dress for success” every day that I work? For the most part yes! However, there is an occasional day here and there that I don’t until much later in the day.

What are YOUR thoughts on “dressing for success?”

Copyright © Tammy Embrich , Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Maggie on January 31, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    Hi Lara, I’m a fellow Thirty-One consultant, and I often find I keep better focus on tending to my business matters while I’m ready for the day, showered, dressed, in case a quick run somewhere needs to happen. Thanks for that analogy, of “I work in my Pjs” as I don’t really want to do business with a woman that doesn’t value the way she looks and feels.

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