Every Word

Now that I’m getting settled into a routine once again in our new/old home I’ve started attending my weekly ladies Bible study once again. I love the chance to sit down and pour over God’s word with a variety of people with extreme diverse backgrounds, spiritual maturity and levels of wisdom. Right now we’re doing…

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Waiting for Christmas

Anticipation.  Anticipay… yay… tion!   Ohhhhh, it’s making me wait! Carly Simon.  What a song!  Can you hear it?  Wait, I’ll sing it for you again:  “Anticipation, it’s keeping me waiy… yay… yay… yai-ai-ting!”  (Oooops!  Too loud?  Here comes Dan.  He’s heard enough!) But not me!  I LOVE this song.  Sure, I know it is not…

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