Faith and Business 101: When a Good thing isn’t a good thing

Once you delve into the world of working from home and get a good thing going you might get to the point where you’re a little overwhelmed. Often once you’re established and successful in one company other companies might start to attract your opinion as well. If you start freelancing for one site you might…

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5 Shortcuts to Healthier Eating

As a busy, homeschooling, work at home Mom and wife, I find eating healthy to be difficult to manage. However, there are a few tips that I have discovered over time that certainly help! Feel free to share any of your own as well… Do you not know that your body is the temple (the…

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3 Lies Moms Tell Themselves

In a world where media is a dominating force, it is difficult to see the real truth through the murky waters of self indulgent, propagated sensationalism. Sadly, because of this, we begin to see and believe lies about ourselves that are simply not true. 3 Common Lies Moms Believe Lie #1: I am not good…

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