No Excuses

“If something is important to you, you’ll find a way, if it isn’t you’ll find an excuse.” ~ seen on Pinterest

My motto for going into this year was “No excuses”. I’ve found that in my own life I can find a plethora of reasons for putting off and excusing away the important. For the past few years because of one reason or another I’ve been forced to be in “survival mode” instead of achieving mode. And during certain stages of life this is completely OK. It’s hard enough to just go day to day when you’re in the middle of a cross country move, a deployment, a difficult pregnancy or with a  sleepless newborn.

But then one day you’ll look around and realize that you’re no longer in that survival stage. Hubby is home, you’re faced with a year when you will not be moving, having a baby, facing a deployment, and you’re actually able to function well because you’re getting 8 hours of sleep each night.

This is when you need to sit and ask yourself why you’re still making excuses–why are you not seeking balance in your life? Maybe it’s because of your perfectionist tendencies, like I addressed in my last article. Whatever the reason you need to purpose that it will stop. Now.

Taking your list of priorities write down WHY you are not doing each. Then take a good look at them. Is it a legitimate reason, or an excuse.  You can and WILL find time for the things that are important to you. If you can be online right now browsing Facebook and reading blogs why can’t you find time for a 20 minute workout video or a 20 minute time of devotion?

Make your priority items non negotiable. Put them down on your calendar and stick to them like you would any appointment or item on your schedule. If you block out 10-10:30 for working out or 8-8:30 for Bible Study and prayer you’ll be much more likely. If you feel you are just really too busy you probably need to re evaluate your schedule and find what things are stealing your precious time away.

Just remember…

No excuses!

Copyright © Nicole Elliott, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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