15 Tips To Staying, Feeling and Looking Younger

Staying, feeling and looking young is one of the many challenges faced by busy moms. In an ever-changing fast pace world, moms are taking on more responsibilities and adding more stress to their lives. Over time, these burdens wreak havoc, slowly deteriorating the body and finally making people older than they look.

There are ways you can look younger, healthier, and more vibrant without going under the knife or paying for expensive products.

Here are 15 tips on staying, feeling and looking younger.

1. No one wants to look outdated or stuck in some lost era. Updating your wardrobe doesn’t have to be expensive. Check consignment stores, factory outlet stores that carry samples or one-off styles, or wait for sales and find coupons online for your favorite shops. If you’re used to wearing neutral colors,  throw in some color.

2. Updating your wardrobe is one thing, but nothing will make the clothes look good if you have an 80’s hairdo. Get a hair cut, go for a new style, add color or highlights if you like. If you wear glasses, buy new frames or get contact lenses.

3. Exfoliate, exfoliate and exfoliate your face and body. It’s important to remove dead skin cells. It will make your skin look smoother and your face will have a healthy glow. Use a daily moisturizer with added UV protection. Protect your eyes with sunglasses on those bright days.

4. Exercising circulates your blood, increases your endorphins and make you feel good. Meditation,  yoga and Zumba are excellent ways to relieve stress. A healthy body also requires a healthy mind. Exercise your brain by learning something new; try Sudoku or do crossword puzzles etc. Look for challenges to keep your brain active.

5. Quit smoking. It’s horrible for your hair, skin, lips, teeth, fingers, breath, lungs, heart and other organs.

6. Eat a balance diet which means you don’t have to cut out your favorite ice-cream or sweets. Moderation is the key. Less red meat, more lean protein, more fruits and vegetables and so on.

7. A positive mind and attitude is more attractive than being crabby all the time.

8. Woopie Factor. It’s a great way to reconnect with your hubbie, it is said to help you live longer and it’s heart healthy.

9. Yes sleeping is important even for moms. It’s a time when your body gets a chance to rejuvenate, and rebuild damage cells. Not getting enough sleep can cause weight gain.

10. Find ways to reduce stress or stop adding more. Ask for help, talk to a friend, join a support group or adopt a pet.

11. Dental health is important and dental insurance is expensive, but try and get your teeth cleaned at least once or twice a year. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth daily and seek help if you have major problems because it could be signs of an underlying and undetected health issue.

12. Take care of your breasts by wearing comfortable and supportive bras. As we age, gravity pulls and we sag. Exercising the muscle that lies under the breasts will help keep this muscle toned and your breasts lifted. Push ups and bench presses are good exercises.

13. Be young at heart. Have fun! Enjoy your kids and your life!

14. Laugh more often. Dance more often.

15. Maintain a healthy weight that is right for your age, height and body frame. Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals…the good stuff.

There’s no special secret to looking and staying young. There’s no fountain of youth hidden in some garden of paradise, but there is common sense and broadening your knowledge. It’s never too late to reverse bad habits.

Copyright © Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. sarah snyder on May 29, 2012 at 6:53 pm

    Oh this was so sweet to read!!!! And while all these points are very important to remember and DO…..13 and 14 are my most favorite,also God says to have a joyful heart and be happy!!! After all we are his beautiful princesses… Thanks I will pass this one on!

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